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5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"[党卫军第5“维京”装甲师]

Divsjons Ärmelband     WIKING  
Regiments Ärmelband    GERMANIA   NORDLAND   WESTLAND  
Naming History  Des. 1940: SS-Division "Germania"  
        Des. 1940: SS-Division "Wiking"  
        Nov. 1942: SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Wiking"  
        Nov. 1944: SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"   
Divisional Status December 1940   
Nationality  German, Dutch, Flemish, Nowegian, Dane, Swiss, Finn, Swede, Estonian, Walloon, Balkan Ethnic German   
Area of operations      
Germany   (Dec 1940 - June 1941)   
Eastern front, southern sector   (June 1941 - Apr 1944)   
Poland   (Apr 1944 - Jan 1945)   
Hungary   (Jan 1945 - Apr 1945)   
Austria   (Apr 1945 - May 1945)   
Manpower strength      
June 1941   19.377   
Dec 1942   15.928   
Dec 1943   14.647   
June 1944   17.368   
Dec 1944   14.800   
Knights Cross  54  
Fate Surrendered to the British and Soviets in May 1945.   
师名  维京
团名  日尔曼尼亚团  北方团  西方团
师名变更史    1940年12月:党卫军“日尔曼尼亚”师
1941年6月   19377人   
1942年12月   15928人   
1943年12月   14647人   
1944年6月   17368人   
1944年12月   14800人  
"Felles kamp i en hær av soldater fra flere europeiske land, slik det i dag, forhåpentlig ikke for sent, blir fordret av vestmaktene – denne tanken ble alt den gang satt ut i livet hos oss. I Divisjon Wikings rekker sto representanter for de fleste av Europas stater og folk. Det var ingen Fremmedlegion, heller ingen samling eventyrere eller arbeidsløse – slik det ofte er hevdet etter krigen. Flertallet var idealister, med sterk nasjonalfølelse ovenfor sitt eget land. Men de var alt for ti år siden klar over at Europa bare kan forsvares ved felles anstrengelser.”  
-General Gille, October 26th, 1952


Formation and Training
After the success of the Infanterie-Regiment (mot.) Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, SS-Verfügungstruppen-Division and the SS-Division Totenkopf during the early war campaigns in Poland and the West, it was decided to expand the number of Waffen SS divisions. Due to the influx of foreign volunteers, particularly from Denmark, the Netherlands and Norway, a decision was made to form a volunteer division. This unit, originally called Nordische Division (Nr.5), was to be made up of Nordic volunteers mixed with ethnic German Waffen-SS veterans. To this end, the Germania motorised infantry regiment from the SS-Division Verfügungstruppe was removed from the division in late 1940. In December, Germania was dissolved and the troops were used as a basis for the formation of a new SS motorised formation, now to be designated SS-Division (mot.) Germania. During its formative period, the division's name was changed again, to SS-Division (mot.) Wiking in January 1941.In February 1941, the Finnisches Freiwilligen-Bataillon der SS was formed from Finnish veterans of the Winter War. This formation was attached to Wiking, further bolstering its strength. The division was formed around three motorised infantry regiments: Germania, formed mostly from ethnic Germans; Westland, consisting mainly of Dutch and Flemish volunteers; and Nordland, comprised mostly of Danes, Swedes and Norwegians. Command of the newly formed division was given to SS-Brigadeführer Felix Steiner, the brilliant former commander of the Verfügungstruppe's Deutschland Regiment.After its formation was complete, the division was sent to Heuberg, Germany for training. By April 1941, Wiking was deemed combat-ready. It was ordered east in June 1941, to take part in Army Group South's advance into Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa
Operation Barbarossa
The division was not ready for combat until 29 June 1941, seven days after the launch of the operation. During its first action, near Tarnopol in Galicia, Ukraine, the division acquitted itself well. In August, Wiking was ordered to establish a defensive perimeter around a bridgehead across the Dniepr river. Despite determined enemy attacks, the division held the line. Against stiffening resistance, the division continued its advance towards Rostov-on-Don. It took part in the heavy fighting for Rostov before being ordered back to the Mius River line in November. During 1941, the Heer officers in charge of the deployment of the Wiking were skeptical of its fighting abilities and so were hesitant to commit it to major actions. As the division proved itself again and again in combat, it began to earn the grudging respect of the Heer commanders.  
After successfully holding the line over the winter of 1941-42, Wiking was ordered to retake Rostov-on-Don and advance into the Caucasus, securing the region's vital oilfields. This attack was known as Operation Maus, and formed a part of Army Group South's offensive Case Blue, aimed at capturing Stalingrad and the Baku oilfields. Launched at the height of summer, the offensive was unexpectedly successful. Within six weeks, Rostov and the entire Don region had been recaptured, and Wiking was driving deep into the Caucasus.
The Caucasus
By late September 1942, Wiking was in a position to launch an assault to capture the vital city of Grozny. Working in cooperation with General der Panzertruppen Traugott Herr's 13.Panzer-Division, a plan was arranged to capture the city. As they reached the Terek River, the Soviet defences solidified. Several obstacle belts had to be breached before the Georgian Road (along which American supplies were transported) could be reached. Realising the difficult situation, Steiner divided his division into four columns, each with separate objectives, but all aimed at breaching the Soviet defences and opening a road to the Caspian Sea.
The Nordland regiment was to attack along the Kurp River to Malgobek. The Panzer battalion (Abteilung) Wiking, with elements of the Germania regiment, was to breach the main line of defence and establish a bridgehead. The Westland regiment was to capture the town of Sagopshin, and the division's engineer component, along with the rest of Germania was to advance along the Kurp.
The attack got underway on the night of 25-26 September 1942. Nordland's assault soon bogged down, as they realised that not only were they outnumbered by the enemy , but the enemy was also well entrenched in prepared positions. Within thirty minutes, almost half of the men of Nordland had fallen. Despite this, Nordland still captured the hill, and its commander Fritz von Scholz was awarded the Knight's Cross for his actions during the battle. The division finally captured Malgobek on 6 October, however the objective of seizing the capital and opening a road to the Caspian was unreachable. The closest point to Grozny, Hill 701, was captured by the Finnish volunteers (III (finn.) /SS-Infanterie-Regiment (mot) Nordland.) During this operation, Wiking had lost over 1,500 men. Several combat units were reduced to only dozens of men, and as a Wiking veteran later wrote, "Casualties weren't counted anymore, just men left alive."
In the first week of November 1942, the division was transferred from the Terek bend to the Urukh-Alagir sector to participate in the renewed attack eastwards, which was attempted in the direction of Ordzhonikidze rather than via Grozny. It ended up arriving just in time to extricate 13th Panzer Division from encirclement at Gisel, after which it took up defensive positions behind the Fiagdon river. The encirclement of Friederich Paulus's 6.Armee at Stalingrad meant that the Caucasus was relegated to a secondary theatre, and when the attempt to relieve Stalingrad failed in the face of further Soviet advances, the entire Caucasian position itself began to come under threat. Wiking was one of the first formations to be withdrawn to bolster the retreating 4th Panzer Army, entraining from 24 December for transport to Remontnaya, arriving there on 31 December. The division fell back through Zimovniki, Proletarskaya (holding open the bridge over the Manych), Zelina and Yegorlykskaya towards Bataisk and Rostov, finally escaping through the Rostov gap on 4 February.
The notorious 'Angel of Death', Dr. Josef Mengele, served with the Wiking during its early campaigns. According to all accounts, he performed the normal duties of a combat medic, even being awarded the Iron Cross for saving two wounded men from a tank. After being wounded, Mengele was deemed unfit for combat and was absorbed into the SS KZ system, where he gained his infamy. Mengele was very proud of his Waffen-SS service and his front-line decorations. As the true horrors of the KZ system came to light, his former comrades attempted to have his name removed from the division's roll of veterans.
攻击在9月25日和26日夜间进行。北欧团的进攻很快就陷入了僵局,因为敌人不仅占有数量上的优势,而且还拥有坚固的工事。在三十分钟内,北欧团损失了一半。但是尽管如此,北欧团仍然占领了高地。 团长弗里茨.冯.舒尔茨因此荣获了骑士铁十字勋章。该师最终在10月6日占领了雅科夫列夫。然而夺取格罗兹尼和打通里海之路是完成不了了。最接近格罗兹尼市的据点是芬兰志愿者(北欧团第三芬兰营)占领的701高地。在这次作战行动中,维京师损失了1500名官兵,一些作战部队减少到只有几十人,一位维京师老兵后来这样写道:“只要还活着的人都没有列入伤亡名单。”  
在11月的第一个星期,,维京师从捷列克河转移到乌卢库——阿拉基尔区段参加向东的进攻, 试图在奥尔朱尼契泽方向而不是格罗兹尼方向上有所突破。当他们到达吉赛尔时,及时解救了第13 装甲师的一部。之后他们在菲亚格隆河进行防御。战局僵持到12月,维京师不得不撤回库班地区。然而弗里德里希.保卢斯的第6集团军在斯大林格勒被包围,意味着高加索战区被降低到了一个次要位置。所有营救斯大林格勒的计划都告失败,面对苏军的进展,整个高加索地区的德均受到了被包围的危险。维京师是第4装甲集群第一批撤出高加索的部队。12月24 日维京师向李蒙特纳娅方向撤退,并且在12月31 日抵达。在他们后面是苏军步兵和坦克部队日夜不停的追击,头上是敌机的狂轰滥炸(此时已经没有德国空军的支援),脚下是泥泞的道路,忍受恶劣的天气状况。然而德军官兵又一次发扬了超人的战斗意志,最终于2月中旬到达了亚速海南岸的克里姆斯卡娅一带,但是接连不断的残酷战斗严重销弱了该师的战斗力:其步兵团只剩下相当于营的兵力,而营则相当于连的兵力,装甲团仅有18辆坦克!部队接连后撤到齐莫夫尼基、普罗塔斯卡娅、泽琳娜和南里克斯卡娅。然后向巴泰斯克和罗斯托夫方向撤退,最终在43年2月4日到达罗斯托夫。
臭名昭著的“死亡天使”约瑟夫 门格尔医生在早期的维京师里服役。随军档案表明,他很好地履行了他的战地医生的职责,而且因为抢救两名受伤的坦克兵而获得了铁十字勋章。在受伤以后,门格尔被认为不适合于作战而被转入了党卫军KZ部门,在那里他变得臭名昭著。门格尔对他在党卫军服役和获得前线勋章十分自豪。当KZ部门的事情曝光后,他的老战友们试图把他从退伍军人的名单中抹掉。
Battles for Kharkov - Panzergrenadier Division
In late November 1942 the division was redesignated 5.SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Wiking. By now, the division had gained a reputation as an elite formation. In early 1943, the division was ordered to fall back to the Ukraine south of Kharkov, recently abandoned by Paul Hausser's II.SS-Panzerkorps, and now the scene of fierce fighting for its recapture.
Erich von Manstein, the new commander of Army Group South, threw Wiking and the 11.Panzer-Division into action against the Soviet Mobile Group Popov, now threatening to break through to the vital rail line. Wiking had great difficulty dealing with the armour-heavy Soviet formation. The Panzergrenadier regiments of the Wiking were exhausted and understrength from the fighting in the Caucasus, and the Panzerabteilung lacked sufficient armour to counter the Soviet force. Despite this, the division held off the Soviet assault, protecting the vital rail line and helping bring about the destruction of Mobile Group Popov. After the recapture of Kharkov, Wiking was pulled out of combat to be refitted as a Panzergrenadier division.
During mid-1943, the Wiking underwent a major transformation. Steiner, now an SS-Gruppenführer, was transferred to command of the III.(gemanische) SS-Panzerkorps, currently forming in Croatia. His replacement was Herbert Otto Gille, who was to prove himself Steiner's equal. The remnants of the veteran Nordland regiment, along with its commander Fritz von Scholz, was removed from the division and used as the nucleus of the new 11.SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier Division Nordland. Also, the Finnisches Freiwilligen-Battalion der Waffen-SS was disbanded, as the agreed two years' service of the Finnish volunteers had expired.
With the upgrade to Panzergrenadier status, the division received SdKfz 251 halftracks for the infantry and an increased Panzer strength.
Thanks to Himmler's and Hausser's efforts, it had been decided that all Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier divisions were to have a regiment of Panzers, rather than only an abteilung (battalion). This meant that the SS-Panzergrenadier formations were full-sized Panzer divisions in all but name.
In an attempt to offset the loss of the Finns and the Nordland regiment, the newly formed Estonian volunteer formation Estnisches SS-Freiwilligen-Panzergrenadier-Bataillon Narwa was attached to the division.
由于晋升为装甲掷弹兵师,维京师获得了SdKfz 251型半履带装甲运兵车和新式的坦克。
Kursk - Battles on the Mius
While the division was refitting, it was involved in minor skirmishes with partisans. The reorganisation was completed by late June, and the division was moved to Izyum where it, along with the 23.Panzer-Division was to form the reserve force for Manstein's Army Group during the approaching Operation Citadel. While the operation was in effect, several Soviet formations attacked towards Orel and Kharkov simultaneously. The Wiking was engaged against the forces near Kharkov, with the Estonians acquitting themselves well, destroying around 100 Soviet tanks over several days. When Citadel was cancelled, the division was still involved in halting Soviet attacks.
Further to the south, on the Mius-Front, a major Soviet offensive, Operation Rumyantsev, threatened to break the German lines. Wiking was joined by the 3.SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Totenkopf and 2.SS-Panzergrenadier-Division Das Reich and sent to the Mius-Bogodukhov sector to halt the Soviet attacks. In subsequent fighting, the SS divisions defeated two Soviet tank armies (totalling over 1,000 tanks) and destroyed over 800 tanks. At no time did the SS divisions have any more than 50 panzers in working order. In October, the division was again pulled back out of the line, this time to be restructured as a panzer division, the 5.SS-Panzer-Division Wiking.  
在南方更远的米乌斯河畔,苏军的一个主要攻击行动鲁缅采夫计划试图突破德军防线。维京师和党卫军第3“骷髅”装甲掷弹兵师和党卫军第2“帝国”装甲掷弹兵师一起前往米乌斯-波戈杜哈夫地域作战。在接下来几天的战斗中,这几个党卫军师阻挡了两个苏联坦克集团军(总数超过1000辆坦克)的前进,并且击毁了800多辆坦克。同时党卫军也仅剩50多辆坦克可以作战了。 在10月,维京师再次撤到后方休整,而且名称又改为党卫军第5装甲师“维京”师。
Korsun Pocket
To bolster the strength of the division, the Walloon volunteer unit SS-Sturmbrigade Wallonien was attached to the division, and the fresh-faced Walloons with their Rexist leader, Leon Degrelle, were the subject of ridicule from many Wiking veterans until they proved their worth in the fighting for a forest near Teklino, at the head of a salient into the Soviet lines. A second panzer abteilung was also ordered to begin formation in Germany.  
While Wiking was engaged near Teklino, several Soviet tank formations had advanced along the side of the salient and succeeded in encircling the German forces of XLII and XI Army Corps near Korsun.
During the battle of the Korsun-Cherkassy Pocket, Wiking defended against Soviet attacks on the eastern side of the pocket. While General der Artillerie Wilhelm Stemmerman, the overall commander for the trapped forces, moved his forces to the west of the pocket in readiness for a breakout attempt, Wiking, along with the Wallonien were ordered to act as a rearguard. After repulsing all Soviet attempts to break through near the town of Novaya-Buda, the Wiking rearguard split up and began withdrawing one platoon at a time, under cover of darkness. Advancing through Hell's Gate, the Wikingers came under heavy enemy fire with little or no cover. The division suffered heavy losses and lost almost all of its equipment during the carnage of the Korsun Pocket. Divisional commander, Gille, had proven his loyalty to his men, fighting alongside them and remaining in action until all survivors had escaped. He was one of the last to cross the raging Gniloy Tikich river to safety. After the end of this battle, the Wallonien brigade was withdrawn from the division.
Kovel Encirclement
After a brief period of rest and refit, the tattered Wiking was sent to assist in the defence of Kovel, currently threatened by strong Soviet forces. Gille led his men towards the town and began setting up a defensive perimeter. However, soon the soviets had completed the encirclement of the city. The II./5.SS-Panzer-Regiment Wiking, newly equipped with Panther tanks, along with the III./SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Germania, newly equipped and up to strength arrived at the front from Germany and immediately began forming a relief unit.
The unit was formed under the command of SS-Obersturmführer Karl Nicolussi-Leck, commander of 8.Kompanie/II.Abt./5.SS-Panzer-Regiment Wiking. Nicolussi-Leck immediately launched an attack with five Panthers. Soon after beginning the attack, he received a radio message from the besieged commander to halt his attack and withdraw. Nicolussi-Leck ordered his radio operator to ignore the call, and continued his attack. Risking court-martial, Nicolussi-Leck then proceeded to fight his way though the Soviet encirclement, destroying several Soviet tanks in the process. His Panther was the first vehicle to break the encirclement, and for his actions he received the Knight's Cross.
After the relief force established a corridor to the encircled force, the withdrawal began. Unlike the previous encirclement at Korsun, the trapped force managed to escape with most of its equipment intact, and the division was ready for action immediately.
Warsaw Battles
In late August 1944, the division was ordered back to Modlin on the Vistula River line near Warsaw where it was to join the newly formed Army Group Vistula. Fighting alongside the Luftwaffe's Fallschirm-Panzer Division 1 Hermann Göring, the division annihilated the Red Army's 3rd Tank Corps. The advent of the Warsaw Uprising brought the Soviet offensive to a halt, and relative peace fell on the frontline as in Warsaw Höherer SS- und Polizeiführer Erich von dem Bach Zelewski destroyed Warsaw with its civilians and partisans. The division remained in the Modlin area for the rest of the year, grouped with the Totenkopf as IV.SS-Panzerkorps. Gille was promoted to command of the new SS Panzerkorps, and after a brief period with SS-Oberführer Dr. Eduard Deisenhofer in command, SS-Standartenführer Rudolf Mühlenkamp, commander of the Wiking's panzer regiment, took command. Heavy defensive battles around Modlin followed for the rest of the year, and in October, Mühlenkamp was replaced by SS-Oberführer Karl Ullrich. Ullrich would lead the division for the rest of the war.
1944.In late December 1944, the Axis forces, including IX.SS-Gebirgskorps, defending Budapest were encircled and the IV.SS-Panzerkorps was ordered south to join Hermann Balck's 6.Armee (Army Group Balck), which was mustering for a relief effort. The efforts were to be codenamed Operation Konrad.
Budapest Relief Efforts
As a part of Operation Konrad I, the Wiking was committed to action on 1 January 1945, fighting alongside the Totenkopf. Near Táta, the advance columns of Wiking slammed into the Soviet Fourth Guards Tank Army. A heavy battle ensued, with the Wiking and Totenkopf panzers destroying many Soviet tanks. In three days Wiking and Totenkopf's panzer spearheads had driven 45 kilometers over rugged terrain, over half the distance from the jump-off point to Budapest. The Soviets maneuvered forces to block Gille's advance, and they barely managed to halt the advance at Bicske, only 28 kilometers from Budapest.
Gille pulled the Wiking out of the line and moved it to the south of Esztergom, near the Danube bend. The second relief attempt, to be known as Operation Konrad II, got underway on 7 January. In atrocious conditions, the Wiking advanced southwards towards Budapest. By 12 January, the Westland Regiment had reached Pilszentkereszt, barely 20 kilometers from Buda. That morning the Wiking panzergrenadiers spotted the church spires and turrets of the distinctive Budapest skyline poking through the morning fog. Despite its success, the Wiking, overextended and vulnerable, was unable to exploit its breakthrough and was eventually ordered to pull back and regroup. Hitler was furious at the lack of progress, and called the operation 'utterly pointless'.
A third attempt, Operation Konrad III, launched in cooperation with the veteran III.Panzerkorps took place 100 kilometers to the south. This attack resulted in a 15 mile gap being torn in the Soviet lines and the destruction of the 135th Rifle Corps. Only the quick redeployment of more troops by the Russians prevented a German breakthrough. By the end of January the Wiking and Totenkopf had suffered almost 8,000 casualties, including over 200 officers.
At the beginning of February, the besieged forces capitulated, and the Wiking was ordered west to Lake Balaton where SS-Obergruppenführer Sepp Dietrich's 6.SS-Panzerarmee was preparing for another offensive.
Final Battles
After the failure of Konrad III, the Wiking began defensive operations, falling back into Czechoslovakia. West of Budapest in more defensive operations, moving into the area of Czechoslovakia. Gille's corps was too depleted to take part in Operation Frühlingserwachen near Lake Balaton, and instead remained as a support to SS-Obergruppenführer 'Sepp' Dietrich's 6.SS-Panzerarmee during the beginning of the Operation.
Wiking performed a holding operation on the left flank of the offensive, in the area between Velenczesee-Stuhlweissenberg. As Frühlingserwachen progressed, the division was heavily engaged preventing Soviet efforts to outflank the advancing German forces.
As the offensive stalled, the Soviets launched a major offensive, the Vienna Operation, on 15 March. Attacking the border between the Totenkopf, stationed to the north of Wiking, and the 2.(Hungarian)Panzer Division, contact was soon lost between these formations. Acting quickly, Balck recommended moving the I.SS-Panzerkorps north to plug the gap and prevent the encirclement of the IV.SS-Panzerkorps. Despite this quick thinking, a Führer Order authorising this move was slow in coming, and when the divisions finally began moving, it was too late. On 22 March, the Soviet encirclement of the Totenkopf and Wiking was almost complete. Desperate, Balck threw the veteran 9.SS-Panzer-Division Hohenstaufen into the area to hold open the small corridor. In the battle to hold open the Berhida Corridor, the Hohenstaufen bled itself white, but Gille's corps managed to escape.
On 24 March, another Soviet attack threw the exhausted IV.SS-Panzerkorps back towards Vienna, all contact was lost with the neighboring I.SS-Panzerkorps and any semblance of an organised line of defence was gone. The Wiking executed a fighting withdrawal into Czechoslovakia. By Early May, they were within reach of the American forces, to whom the division officially surrendered near Fürstenfeld, Austria on 9 May.

Holders of the Honor Roll Clasp of the Heer (17) 【荣誉勋饰获得者】共17名  
Bernau, Günther, 01.05.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
京特 波尔瑙,1945年5月1日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Fechner, Heinz, 26.02.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 7./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
海因茨 费赫纳,1943年2月26日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“北方”步兵团
Genz, Herbert, 07.12.1944, SS-Unterscharführer d.R., Stabs.Kp./II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
赫尔伯特 昆茨,1944年12月7日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲团
Harbich, Adolf, 04.05.1942, SS-Unterscharführer, 14./SS-Rgt. “Germania”
阿道夫 哈尔比希,1942年5月4日,党卫队三级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Hein, Willi, 07.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer d.R., 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
威利 海因,1943年11月7日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Klein, Otto, 27.04.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”
奥托 克莱因,1944年4月27日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Könönen, Kallevo, 27.08.1943, SS-Rottenführer, III.(finn.)/SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”
克拉沃 克侬恩,1943年8月27日,党卫队组长,“北方”步兵团
Kruse, Martin, 17.01.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
马丁 克鲁泽,1945年1月17日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Lassmann, Fritz (mit seiner Gruppe), 05.10.1942, SS-Scharführer, 5./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
弗里茨 拉斯曼,1942年10月5日,党卫队分队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Mühlinghaus, August, 18.04.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 11.(finn.)/SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
Pleiner, Franz, 15.03.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”
弗兰茨 普雷纳,1945年3月15日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Pyyhtiä, Yrjö, 27.08.1943, SS-Schütze, III.(finn.)/SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
依尔约 皮提亚,1943年8月27日,党卫队突击队员,“北方”步兵团
Selle, Siegfried, 05.02.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 14./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”
西格弗里德 舍勒,1945年2月5日,党卫队一级突击中队长,,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Styr, Josef, 07.06.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 10./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
约瑟夫 施蒂尔,1944年6月7日,党卫队三级分队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Velde, Johann, 17.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”
约翰 菲勒德,1944年12月17日,党卫队二级突击中队长,,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Vincx, Jan Pieter, 00.00.1945, SS-Untersturmführer, 4./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
简 彼得 芬谢斯,1945年,党卫队三级突击中队长,,第5装甲炮兵团

  Holders of the Knight's Cross (67) 【骑士铁十字勋章勋章获得者】共67名
Diamonds 钻石佩剑橡树叶骑士铁十字勋章
1. Gille, Herbert-Otto [12. Br] 19.04.1944 SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der W-SS Kdr 5. SS-Pz.Div „Wiking“  
1.赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列[第12位获得者],1944年4月19日,党卫队地区总队长,“维京”装甲师师长
Swords 佩剑橡树叶骑士铁十字勋章
2. Dieckmann, August [39. Sw] 10.10.1943 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 “Westland”
2.奥古斯特 迪克曼[第39位获得者],1943年10月10日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团团长
3. Dorr, Hans [77. Sw] 09.07.1944 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 "Germania"
3.汉斯 多尔[第77位获得者],1944年7月9日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团团长
4. Gille, Herbert-Otto [47. Sw] 20.02.1944 SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der W-SS Kdr 5. SS-Pz.Div „Wiking“  
4.赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列[第47位获得者],1944年2月20日,党卫队地区总队长,“维京”装甲师师长
Oakleaves 橡树叶骑士铁十字勋章
5. Dieckmann, August [233. EL] 16.04.1943 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Germania“
5.奥古斯特 迪克曼[第233位获得者],1943年4月16日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团1营营长
6. Dorr, Hans [327. EL] 13.11.1943 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Germania“
6.汉斯 多尔[第327位获得者],1943年11月13日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团1营营长
7. Gille, Herbert-Otto [315. EL] 01.11.1943 SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der W-SS Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Div “Wiking”
7.赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列[第315位获得者],1943年11月1日,党卫队地区总队长,“维京”装甲掷弹兵师师长
8. Hack, Franz [844. EL] 18.04.1945 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 „Westland“
8.弗兰茨 哈克[第844位获得者],1945年4月18日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团团长
9. Mühlenkamp, Johannes-Rudolf [596. EL] 21.09.1944 SS-Standartenführer Fhr 5. SS-Pz.Div “Wiking”
9.约翰内斯-鲁道夫 缪伦坎普[第596位获得者],1944年9月21日,党卫队旗队长,“维京”装甲师师长
10. Schmidt, Walter [479. EL] 14.05.1944 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 “Westland”
10.瓦尔特 施密特[第479位获得者]1944年5月14日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第10 “西方”装甲掷弹兵团2营营长
11. Steiner, Felix [159. EL] 23.12.1942 SS-Gruppenführer und Generalleutnant der W-SS Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Div “Wiking”
11.菲利克斯 施泰纳[第159位获得者]1942年12月23日,党卫队地区总队长,“维京”装甲掷弹兵师师长
12. Vogt, Fritz [785. EL] 16.03.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 23 “Norge”  
12.弗里茨 弗格特[第785位获得者],1945年3月16日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第 23“诺尔格”装甲掷弹兵团1营营长
Knight’s Cross 骑士铁十字勋章
Stab : 师部获得者名单
13. Schönfelder, Manfred 23.02.1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer Ia 5. SS-Pz.Div „Wiking“  
13.曼弗雷德 舍恩菲尔德,1944年2月23日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲师
SS-Panzer-Regiment 5 “Wiking” : 党卫队第5“维京”装甲团获得者名单
14. Bauer, Helmut 12.09.1943 SS-Oberscharführer Zugführer i. d. 3./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
14.赫尔穆特 鲍尔,1943年9月12日,党卫队二级分队长,第5“维京”装甲团排长
15. Darges, Fritz 05.04.1945 SS-Obersturmbannführer Führer SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
15.弗里茨 达尔戈斯,1945年4月5日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲团团长
16. Draxenberger, Sepp 17.04.1945 SS-Hauptscharführer Pi.Zugführer i. d. Stabs.Kp/SS-Pz.Rgt 5 "Wiking"
16.塞普 德拉耶森贝尔格尔,1945年4月17日,党卫队一级突击中队长 ,第5“维京”装甲团排长
17. Flügel, Hans 16.10.1944 SS-Hauptsturmführer d.R. Führer II./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
17.汉斯 弗律格尔,1944年10月16日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团
18. Großrock, Alfred 12.08.1944 SS-Untersturmführer Zugführer i. d. 6./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
18.阿尔弗雷德 格罗斯洛克,1944年8月12日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团排长
19. Hein, Willy 04.05.1944 SS-Obersturmführer d.R. Chef 2./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
19.威利 海因,1944年5月4日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团参谋
20. Lichte, Karl-Heinz 06.05.1945 SS-Hauptsturmführer Chef 5./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
20.卡尔-海因茨 里希特,1945年5月6日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团参谋
21. Mühlenkamp, Johannes-Rudolf 03.09.1942 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr Pz.Abt SS-Div „Wiking“
21.约翰内斯-鲁道夫 缪伦坎普,1942年9月3日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲团团长
22. Nicolussi-Leck, Karl 09.04.1944 SS-Obersturmführer Chef 8./SS.Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
22.,卡尔 尼古鲁斯-雷克,1944年4月9日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团参谋
23. Picus, Karl 17.04.1945 SS-Obersturmführer d.R. im SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
23.卡尔 皮卡斯,1945年4月17日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团
24. Ruf, Hugo 16.10.1944 SS-Oberscharführer Zugführer i. d. 3./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
24.雨果 鲁夫,1944年10月16日,党卫队二级分队长,第5“维京”装甲团
25. Schneider, Otto 04.05.1944 SS-Obersturmführer Führer 7./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
25.奥托 施耐德,1944年5月4日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团
26. Schumacher, Kurt 04.05.1944 SS-Untersturmführer Führer 3./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
26.库尔特 舒马赫,1944年5月4日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团
27. Senghas, Paul 11.12.1944 SS-Obersturmführer Führer 1./SS-Pz.Rgt 5 „Wiking“  
27.保罗 申格哈斯,1944年12月11日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲团
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 9 „Germania“ : 第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团获得者名单
28. Biegi, Fritz 16.06.1944 SS-Oberscharführer Zugführer i. d. 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
28.弗里茨 比耶吉,1944年6月16日,党卫队二级分队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团排长
29. Bühler, Karl-Heinz 06.05.1945 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
29.卡尔-海因茨 布勒,1942年5月6日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团团长
30. Dieckmann, August 23.04.1942 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr I./SS-Rgt (mot) „Germania“
30.奥古斯特 迪克曼,1942年4月23日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“日尔曼尼亚”摩托化步兵团1营营长
31. Dorr, Hans 27.09.1942 SS-Hauptsturmführer Chef 4./SS-Inf.Rgt „Germania“
31.汉斯 多尔,1942年9月27日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团参谋
32. Ehrath, Fritz 23.02.1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
32.弗里茨 艾哈特,1944年2月23日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团团长
33. Faulhaber, Markus 25.12.1942 SS-Obersturmführer Chef 3./SS-Rgt (mot) „Germania“
33.马库斯 弗尔哈伯,1942年12月25日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”摩托化步兵团参谋
34. Franz, Egon 16.10.1944 SS-Unterscharführer Zugführer i. d. 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
34.艾贡 弗兰茨,1944年10月16日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团排长
35. Hack, Franz 14.05.1944 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr III.(gp.)/SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
35.弗兰茨 哈克,1944年5月14日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团3营营长
36. Juchem, Hans 12.09.1943 SS-Hauptsturmführer Kdr II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Germania“
36.汉斯 约申,1943年9月12日,党卫队一级突击中队长, “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团2营营长
37. Kam, Soeren 07.02.1945 SS-Untersturmführer Führer 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
37.索伦 卡姆,1945年2月7日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
38. Meyer, Werner 04.06.1944 SS-Obersturmführer Führer 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
38.维尔纳 梅耶,1944年6月4日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
39. Murr, Heinz 21.09.1944 SS-Hauptsturmführer Führer III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
39.海因茨 穆尔,1944年9月21日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
40. Pförtner, Helmut 18.01.1942 SS-Untersturmführer d.R. Zugführer i. d. 2./SS-Rgt „Germania“
40.赫尔穆特 普法尔特纳,1942年1月18日,“日尔曼尼亚”团排长
41. Schreiber, Gustav 02.12.1943 SS-Hauptscharführer Führer 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
41.古斯塔夫 施雷伯,1943年12月2日,党卫队一级分队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
42. Sigmund, Hans 05.04.1945 SS-Oberscharführer Zugführer i. d. 11./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
42.汉斯 西格蒙德,1945年4月5日,党卫队二级分队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
43. Styr, Josef 05.04.1945 SS-Hauptscharführer Zugführer i. d. 10./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“
43.约瑟夫 施提尔,1945年3月5日,党卫队一级分队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
44. Wagner, Jürgen 24.07.1943 SS-Oberführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 9 „Germania“  
44.尤尔根 瓦格纳,1943年7月24日,党卫队区队长,第9 “日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团团长
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 10 „Westland“ : 第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团获得者名单
45. Drexel, Hans 14.10.1943 SS-Obersturmführer stellv. Führer II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Westland“
45.汉斯 德勒克斯勒,1943年10月14日,党卫队二级突击中队长,10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
46. Hinz, Bruno 02.12.1943 SS-Untersturmführer Führer 2./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 „Westland“
46.布鲁诺 辛茨,1943年12月2日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
47. Lotze, Gerhard 01.02.1945 SS-Obersturmführer Führer 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 „Westland“
47.格尔哈德 洛策,1945年2月1日党卫队二级突击中队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
48. Müller, Albert 04.08.1943 SS-Hauptscharführer Pak.Zugführer i. d. 4./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 „Westland“
48.埃尔伯特 穆勒,1943年8月4日,党卫队一级分队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团排长
49. Reichel, Erwin H. 28.02.1943 SS-Sturmbannführer Führer SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Westland“
49.埃尔温 里歇尔,1943年2月28日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
50. Schmidt, Walter 04.08.1943 SS-Hauptsturmführer Fhr III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt 10 „Westland“
50.瓦尔特 施密特,1943年8月4日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团3营营长
51. Sitter, Günther 13.09.1943 SS-Hauptsturmführer Führer II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Westland“
52.京特 希特,1943年9月13日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团2营营长
52. Zepper, Erich 02.12.1943 SS-Hauptscharführer Führer 2./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Westland“  
52.埃里希 策普尔,1943年12月2日,党卫队一级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
SS- (Panzergrenadier-) Regiment „Nordland“ (assigned until march 1943) :  “北方”装甲掷弹兵团获得者名单(截止到1943年)
53. Polewacz, Harry 23.12.1942 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt „Nordland“
53.哈里 伯勒瓦什,1942年12月23日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“北方”装甲掷弹兵团3营营长
54. Scholz von, Fritz 18.01.1942 SS-Oberführer Kdr SS-Rgt “Nordland”  
54.弗里茨 冯 舒尔茨,1942年1月18日,党卫队区队长,“北方”团团长
estnisches SS-Freiwilligen-Pz.Gren-Btl „Narwa“ (=III./“Nordland“ until 06/43) : 东方“纳尔瓦”志愿装甲掷弹兵营(1943年前“北方”团3营)获得者名单
55. Eberhardt, Georg 04.08.1943 SS-Sturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pz.Gren.Btl „Narwa“  
55.乔治 艾伯哈特,1943年8月4日,党卫队二级突击大队长,东方“纳尔瓦”志愿装甲掷弹兵营营长
SS-Freiwilligen-(Sturm-) Brigade „Wallonien“ :  “瓦隆涅”志愿(突击)旅获得者名单
56. Degrelle, Léon 20.02.1944 SS-Hauptsturmführer d.R. Fhr 5. SS-Frw-Sturm-Brig „Wallonie“ [Tscherkassy]  
56.里昂 德盖勒,1944年2月20日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“瓦隆涅”志愿突击旅
SS-Panzerartillerie-Regiment 5 „Wiking“ :第5“维京”装甲炮兵团获得者名单  
57. Gille, Herbert-Otto 08.10.1942 SS-Oberführer Kdr Art.Rgt der SS-Div „Wiking“
57.赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列,1942年10月8日,党卫队区队长,“维京”炮兵团团长
58. Richter, Joachim 23.02.1944 SS-Obersturmbannführer d.R. Kdr SS-Pz.Art.Rgt 5 „Wiking“
58.约阿西姆 里歇尔,1944年2月23日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲炮兵团团长
59. Schlamelcher, Karl 01.03.1942 SS-Hauptsturmführer Führer III./SS-Art.Rgt 5 „Wiking“  
59.卡尔 施拉梅尔赫,1942年3月1日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲炮兵团1营营长
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5 „Wiking“ : 第5“维京”坦克歼击营获得者名单
60. Eßlinger, Willi 19.06.1943 SS-Hauptscharführer Zugführer i. d. 3./Pz.Jäg.Abt der SS-Pz.Gren.Div „Wiking“
60.威利 埃斯林格尔,1943年6月19日,党卫队一级分队长,“维京”装甲掷弹兵师坦克歼击营排长
61. Fischer, Gerhard 04.05.1944 SS-Unterscharführer stellv. Zugführer i. d. 3./SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt 5 „Wiking“
61.格尔哈德 菲舍尔,1944年5月4日,党卫队三级分队长,第5“维京”坦克歼击营排长
62. Trabandt, Paul 14.10.1943 SS-Hauptscharführer Zugführer i. d. 2./SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt „Wiking“
62.保罗 特拉班特,1943年10月14日,党卫队一级分队长,第5“维京”坦克歼击营排长  
SS-Panzeraufklärungs-Abteilung 5 „Wiking“ 第5“维京”装甲侦察营获得者名单:  
63. Debus, Heinrich 04.05.1944 SS-Obersturmführer stellv. Führer SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt 5 „Wiking“  
63.海因里希 德布斯,1944年5月4日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲侦察营
SS-Panzerpionier-Bataillon 5 „Wiking“ : 第5“维京”装甲工兵营获得者名单
64. Eichhorn, Hugo 15.01.1943 SS-Hauptsturmführer d.R. im Stab Pi.Btl der SS-Div „Wiking“
64.雨果 艾希霍恩,1943年1月15日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲工兵营
65. Heder, Eberhard 18.11.1944 SS-Hauptsturmführer Führer SS.Pz.Pi.Btl 5 „Wiking“
65.埃伯哈德 赫德尔,1944年11月18日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5“维京”装甲工兵营
66. Schäfer, Max 12.02.1943 SS-Obersturmbannführer Kdr SS-Pi.Btl 5 „Wiking“  
66.马克斯 沙菲尔,1943年2月12日,党卫队一级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲工兵营营长
SS-Flak-Abteilung 5 „Wiking“ : 第5“维京”高炮营获得者名单
67. Schnaubelt, Alois 16.11.1944 SS-Unterscharführer Geschützführer i. d. 3./SS-Flak.Abt 5 "Wiking"  
67.阿洛伊斯 施瑙贝尔特,1944年11月16日,党卫队三级分队长,第5“维京”高炮营
  Holders of the Knight's Cross of the War Merit Cross with Swords (1) 【骑士战功铁十字勋章获得者】1名
Weise, Erich, 16.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer dR, Werkmeister im SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
埃里希 维瑟,1943年11月16日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5装甲团
  Holders of the Finnish Order of the Cross of Liberty, 1st Class with Swords (2) 【芬兰一级配件自由十字勋章获得者】2名
Steiner, Felix, 16.06.1942, SS-Gruppenführer u. Generalleutnant d. W-SS, Kdr. SS-Div. “Wiking”  
菲利克斯 施泰纳,1942年6月16日,党卫队地区总队长,“维京”师师长
Gille, Herbert Otto, 06.03.1943, SS-Brigadeführer u. Generalmajor d. W-SS, Kdr. SS-Pz.Gren.Div. “Wiking”
赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列,1943年3月6日,党卫队旅队长,“维京”装甲掷弹兵师师长  

Notable members 装甲师名人
Fritz Darges (Adjutant to Adolf Hitler 1943-1944 and to Martin Bormann 1936-1939)  
SS-Untersturmführer Kurt Eggers (poet and war correspondent, he was killed while attached to Wiking, the unit SS-Standarte Kurt Eggers was named for him after his death in 1943)  
Johannes Hendrik "Henk" Feldmeijer (Voorman, leader, of the Germaansche-SS in Nederland, the Dutch SS)  
Otto Förschner (commandant of Dora-Mittelbau)  
奥托.弗尔施纳( 集中营多拉中心的总指挥)
Kurt Gerstein (After being attached to the division March-May 1941 he was transferred and ended up as Head of Technical Disinfection Services and witnesses gassing in Belez and reported about the Holocaust to Swedish diplomat Göran von Otter and members of the Catholic Church in 1942, post-war he wrote the famous Gerstein Report)  
Herbert Otto Gille (Holder of the Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves, Swords and Diamonds)  
Dr Herbert Jankuhn (famous archeologist and member of SS-Ahnenerbe served on the division staff 1943-1945)  
Fredrik Jensen (the only Norwegian recipient of the German Cross in Gold)  
Hans Lindén (Swedish volunteers KIA 30 December 1941 while serving with SS-Flak-Abteilung 5. The section for Waffen-SS volunteers "Kampavdelning Hans Lindén" set up by Sveaborg, part of the largest Swedish Nazi party Svensk Socialistisk Samling (SSS) was named in his honour)  
Joseph Mengele (the infamous camp doctor served in the Pionier Battalion, where he also was awarded the Iron Cross, during his time in the Waffen-SS)  
Ola Olin (the only Finnish recipient of the German Cross in Gold to recieve it during the time Finland was at war with Germany)  
Artur Phleps (Later SS-Obergruppenführer and commander of V. SS-Freiwilligen-Gebirgskorps)  
Christian Frederick von Schalburg (Landsungdomsfører, youth leader, of Danmarks Nationalsocialistiske Arbejderparti (DNSAP), the Danish Nazi Party, KIA 1 March 1942 as commander of Freikorps Danmark. The Schalburg Cross was created and the Danish SS was named the Schalburgkorpset in his honour)  
Anton Streitwieser (commandant of Melk, a sub-camp of Mauthausen 1944-1945)  
Lauri Törni ("Larry Thorne", fought under three flags: Finnish during the Winter War and Continuation War, German in 1941 and again after the Finnish peace with the USSR and finally US as a member of the U.S. Army Special Forces in the Vietnam War)  
Hilmar Wäckerle (first SS commandant of Dachau, KIA as commander of the regiment Westland 2 July 1941)  


Known war crimes战争罪行
This division was for a long time regarded as one of the few larger Waffen-SS units not involved in war-crimes however research made public in recent years have shown this to be incorrect.  
Soldiers from the division took part in the murder of hundreds of Jews in the castle at Zloczow (Zolochiv) during the first days of July 1941 together with Ukrainian militia. The massacre was put to an end by soldiers from 295. Infanterie-Division at the order of Oberstleutnant Helmuth Groscurth.  
On 9 July 1941 soldiers from the division took part in the massacre of Jews in Lviv in revenge of the death of Hilmar Wäckerle, one of the regimental commanders.  
In Zhitomir soldiers from the division took part in the rounding up and killing of commissars and officials July 1941.  
Einsatzkommando 11 of Einsatzgruppe D and a mobile gassing van was travelling together with the division in 1942 murdering people seen as undesirable.  
Sonderkommando Jankuhn led by Dr Herbert Jankuhn of the SS-Ahnenerbe was attached to Wiking and the division supported them in their plunder of artifacts from the Black Sea area in 1942.  
General der Gebirgstruppen Karl Eglseer, commander of 4. Gebirgs-Division, complained about indiscipline and widespread looting by soldiers from Wiking in April 1942 when the divisions served near each other in the River Mius area. The Slovakian Generals Gustav Malár and Jozef Turanec, commanders of Slovak Fast Division that served next to Wiking during this period, also raised the same criticism.  
The Finnish volunteers distributed among the units of the Wiking divisions instead of serving in the Finnisches Freiwilligen-Bataillon der Waffen-SS wrote in letters home and in their diaries about how the Soviet POWs and civilians were treated badly or even killed by soldiers from the division during the early phase of the war on the Eastern Front.  
Soldiers from the Wiking division were involved in the killing of Hungarian Jews in March/Aril 1945.   
Divisional commander SS-Brigadeführer Felix Steiner stated about the infamous Commissar Order (that Soviet political commissars captured should be shot immediately) that "No rational unit commander could comply with such an Order"  in a discussion with his superior General der Infanterie Gustav von Wietersheim on 4 July 1941 who shared his dislike of the order.

Holders of high awards 【高级勋章获得者】  
   Holders of the Close Combat Clasp in Gold (20) 【金质近距离作战勋章获得者】共20名  
  Bachler, Franz, 22.09.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, Gruppenführer im SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. "Wiking"  
  Becker, Ernst, 15.02.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Zugführer id Stabs.Kp./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Gödel, Oswald, 01.01.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Hack, Franz, 01.05.1945, SS-Obersturmbannführer, Rgt.Kdr. SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10  
  Herrmann, Adolf, 01.01.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Fhr. 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Homolka, Franz, 28.01.1945, SS-Unterscharführer, Zugführer id 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Jira, Karl, 04.12.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt. 5  
  Juchem, Hans, 10.08.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, Btl.Kdr. III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Mees, Alfred, 31.10.1944, SS-Rottenführer, SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Metz, Werner, 02.10.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, Kp.Chef 1./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Meyer, Werner, 12.04.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, Kp.Chef 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Müllenbach, Gerd, 31.10.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Zugführer id 1./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Müller, Arnold, 18.11.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Zugführer im SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Papp, Soltan, 28.01.1945, SS-Unterscharführer, Gruppenführer id 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Rappl, Ludwig, 31.10.1944, SS-Hauptscharführer, Zugführer id Stabs.Kp./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Rock, Willi, 02.10.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Zugführer id 3./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
  Schreiber, Gustav, 07.12.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, Zugführer id 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Stichnoth, Erich, 07.05.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, Fhr. Stabs.Kp./SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt. 5  
  Theismann, Günter, 01.01.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, Zugführer id 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
  Weck, Julius, 21.08.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, Chef 2./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
Holders of the Commendation Certificate of the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (4)【集团军司令部嘉奖获得者】共4名  
  Bühler, Karl-Heinz, 25.12.1944 (4961), SS-Sturmbannführer, Kdr. II./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
  Bünning, Hans, 25.12.1944 (4962), SS-Obersturmbannführer, Rgts.Fhr. SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
  Holemar, Karl, 05.09.1942 (1199), SS-Sturmmann, 8./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
  Zähn, Fritz, 25.12.1944 (4963), SS-Hauptsturmführer, Battr.Chef 5./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
Holders of the German Cross in Gold (180) )【金质德意志十字勋章获得者】共180名  
Adolph, Günther, 18.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
京特 阿道夫,1944年12月18日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团
Albers, Carl, 08.01.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 3./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
卡尔 阿尔贝,1943年1月8日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Albrecht, Heino, 30.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 4./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
海因诺 阿尔布雷赫特,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
André, Harro, 10.07.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
哈洛 阿德烈,1943年7月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Bäurle, Josef, 20.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
约瑟夫 巴乌尔勒,1943年1月20日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团
Balduff, Walter, 04.06.1944, SS-Hauptscharführer, 15./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
瓦尔特 巴尔杜夫,1944年6月4日,党卫队一级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Barten, Paul, 08.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
保罗 巴尔滕,1943年11月8日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Barthel, Joachim, 18.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
约阿希姆 巴尔特尔,1944年12月18日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Bartols, Willi, 02.01.1942, Leutnant dR, 1./SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt. 5  
威利 巴尔托尔斯,1942年1月2日,中尉,第5坦克歼击营
Bernau, Hans-Günter, 01.11.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 7./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
汉斯-京特 波尔瑙,1943年11月1日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Bock, Erich, 08.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
埃里希 伯克,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Brieger, Otto, 08.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 9./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
奥托 布雷格尔,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Bruder, Arnold, 15.04.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 3./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
Bühler, Karl-Heinz, 14.03.1942, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
卡尔-海因茨 布勒,1942年3月14日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Bünning, Hans, 08.12.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
汉斯 布宁,1942年12月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Casper, Josef, 06.07.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
约瑟夫 卡斯佩,1943年7月6日,党卫队一级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Cramm, Otto, 12.10.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
奥托 克拉姆,1944年10月12日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Debus, Heinrich, 23.01.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
海因里希 德布斯,1944年1月23日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5侦察营
Diekmann, August, 28.02.1942, SS-Sturmbannführer, I./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
奥古斯特 迪克曼,1942年2月28日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Dorr, Hans, 19.12.1941, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
汉斯 多尔,1941年12月19日,党卫队二级突击中队长,1942年“日尔曼尼亚”团
Drexel, Hans, 03.08.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 10./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
汉斯 德雷耶瑟尔,1943年8月3日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Eidens, Johann, 18.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10  
约翰 艾登斯,1944年12月18日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第10装甲掷弹兵团
Faas, Eugen, 30.12.1944, SS-Hauptscharführer, 8./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
欧根 法斯,1944年12月30日,党卫队一级分队长,第5装甲团
Fecke, Dr. Werner, 30.12.1944, SS-Sturmbannführer, 1./SS-San.Abt. 5
维尔纳 菲克医生,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5医疗营
Fietz, Alfons, 28.02.1945, SS-Hauptscharführer, 12./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
阿尔冯斯 费艾茨,1945年2月28日,党卫队一级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Fischer, Alfred, 08.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
阿尔弗雷德 菲舍尔,1943年1月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Fischer, Hans, 28.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer dR, 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
汉斯 菲舍尔,1945年2月28日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Fischer, Paul, 08.02.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
保罗 菲舍尔,1945年2月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长第5装甲炮兵团
Flügel, Hans, 08.12.1942, SS-Obersturmführer, SS-Pz.Abt. 5  
汉斯 弗鲁格尔,1942年12月8日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲营
Foditsch, Johann, 06.01.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”
约翰 弗德施,1944年1月6日,党卫队三级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Gattinger, Kurt, 28.02.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 10./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
库尔特 加廷格尔,1942年2月28日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Geiger, Anton, 27.04.1945, SS-Unterscharführer, 7./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
安东 基格尔,1945年4月27日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Gerdes, Erich, 15.04.1945, SS-Untersturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10  
埃里希 格尔德斯,1945年4月15日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第10装甲掷弹兵团
Gerres, Harald, 02.10.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
哈拉尔德 格雷斯,1943年10月2日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Gille, Herbert Otto, 28.02.1942, SS-Oberführer, SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
赫尔伯特 奥托 吉列,1942年2月28日,党卫队区队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Giwer, Hans, 08.02.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt. 5  
汉斯 基维尔,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5坦克歼击营
Gotthardt, Hans, 29.03.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 6./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
汉斯 哥特哈特,1943年3月2日,党卫队一级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Großrock, Alfred, 09.06.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
阿尔弗雷德 格罗斯洛克,1943年6月9日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Gruben, Werner, 11.03.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 3./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
维尔纳 格鲁本,1943年3月11日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团  
Gütt, Peter, 18.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, IV./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
彼得 古特,1944年12月18日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Gunkel, Heinrich, 02.10.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
海因里希 昆科尔,1943年10月2日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Gutowski, Helmut, 03.08.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
赫尔穆特 古托维斯基,1943年8月3日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团  
Hack, Franz, 08.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, III./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
弗兰茨 哈克,1943年1月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Hadeln von, Dr. phil. Hajo, 19.12.1941, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Rgt. “Westland”  
菲利 哈约 冯 哈登恩博士,1941年12月19日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Hämel, Heinz, 11.06.1942, SS-Hauptscharführer, 5./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
海因茨 哈梅尔,1942年6月11日,党卫队一级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Hahl, Fritz, 07.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10  
弗里茨 哈尔,1944年12月7日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第10装甲掷弹兵团
Hannes, Friedrich, 09.10.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 12./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
弗里德里希 哈尼斯,1944年10月9日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Harbort, Ernst, 04.06.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
恩斯特 哈尔伯特,1944年6月4日,党卫队三级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Haus, Alfred, 29.08.1942, SS-Obersturmführer, I./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
阿尔弗雷德 豪斯,1942年8月29日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Hauschild, Karl, 29.03.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
卡尔 豪斯希尔德,1943年3月29日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团  
Heck, Heinrich, 23.01.1942, SS-Hauptscharführer, 2./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
海因里希 赫克,1942年1月23日,党卫队一级分队长,第5侦察营
Heder, Eberhardt, 11.03.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 3./SS-Pi.Btl. 5  
埃博尔哈特 赫德尔,1943年3月11日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5工兵营
Hein, Willi, 30.12.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
威利 海因,1943年12月30日,党卫队三级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Heindl, Ernst, 15.04.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10
恩斯特 海因德尔,1945年4月15日,党卫队一级突击中队长, 第10装甲掷弹兵团
Herrmann, Adolf, 08.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
阿道夫 赫尔曼,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Hess, Helmut, 03.08.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 1./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
Hinz, Bruno, 17.04.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
布鲁诺 辛茨,1943年4月17日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Homolka, Franz, 01.06.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
弗兰茨 霍穆尔卡,1944年6月1日,党卫队三级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Hopfenmüller, Heinrich, 29.03.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 1./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
海因里希 霍普谱芬穆勒,1943年3月29日,党卫队一级分队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团
Horstmann, Heinz, 14.02.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 7./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Westland”  
海因茨 霍尔斯特曼,1943年2月14日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“西方”步兵团
Huber, Willi, 06.01.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
威利 胡贝尔,1944年1月6日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Hüppe, Hubert, 30.12.1944, SS-Sturmbannführer, SS-Pz.Nachr.Abt. 5  
休伯特 胡佩,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5装甲通讯营
  Iden, Walter, 06.07.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
瓦尔特 伊登,1943年7月6日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Jäck, Wener, 17.12.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
维纳 雅克,1943年12月17日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Jahnke, Günter, 08.02.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, Stab/SS-Pz.Div. “Wiking”  
Jauss, Karl, 18.12.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 8./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
卡尔 雅乌斯,1944年12月18日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Jensen, Fredrik, 07.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
弗雷德里克 延森,1944年12月7日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲掷弹兵团
Jessen, Hans-Georg, 15.12.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
汉斯-乔治 延森,1943年12月15日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Jira, Karl, 30.12.1943, SS-Obersturmfhrer, 3./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
卡尔 吉拉,1943年12月30日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5侦察营
Joerchel, Wolfgang, 28.02.1942, SS-Sturmbannführer, II./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
沃尔夫冈 乔尔赫,1942年2月28日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Juchem, Hans, 19.09.1942, SS-Obersturmführer, 5./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
汉斯 尤痕,1942年9月19日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Jungnickel, Helmut, 22.12.1943, SS-Unterscharführer, 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
赫尔穆特 尤格尼科尔,1943年12月22日,党卫队三级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Kammer, Kurt, 08.02.1945, SS-Hauptscharführer, 9./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
库尔特 卡梅尔,1945年2月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Kaufmann, Hermann, 10.03.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt. 5  
赫尔曼 考夫曼,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲侦察营
Kempcke, Karl-Heinz, 17.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
卡尔-海因茨 肯普克,1943年11月17日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Kepplinger, Ludwig, 28.02.1942, SS-Obersturmführer, 10./SS-Rgt. “Westland”  
路德维希 克普林格尔,1942年2月28日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Klein, Otto, 31.01.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
奥托 克莱因,1944年1月31日党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Klingenschmid, Lambert, 02.10.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
兰姆伯特 克林根施密德,1943年10月2日,党卫队一级分队长“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Klose, Willi, 27.10.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 1./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
威利 克洛泽,1942年10月27日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Köhle, Konrad, 30.12.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
昆拉德 科勒,1944年12月30日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Köller, Hans, 08.11.1943, SS-Sturmbannführer, I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
汉斯 科勒,1943年11月8日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5装甲团
Kölzig, Heinzwolf, 07.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
海因茨沃尔夫 科尔齐希,党卫队二级突击中队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Körbel, Wilhelm, 19.09.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 8./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
威廉 柯尔贝勒,1942年9月19日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团  
Koller, Eugen, 22.11.1941, SS-Hauptscharführer, 11./SS-Rgt. “Nordland”  
欧根 科勒,1941年11月22日,党卫队一级分队长,“北方”团
Kometer, Erwin, 30.12.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
埃尔温 考穆特,1944年12月30日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Krausch, Walter, 10.03.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
瓦尔特 科劳施,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Krügel, Albrecht, 10.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 6./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
阿尔布雷赫特 克鲁格勒,1943年1月10日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“北方”团
Kruse, Fritz, 01.06.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
弗里茨 克鲁泽,1944年6月1日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Kulesza von, Dr. Wilhelm, 18.12.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
威廉 冯 库勒扎医生,1944年12月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Laible, Adolf, 06.01.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Flak-Abt. 5  
阿道夫 莱伯勒,1945年1月6日,党卫队二级突击中队长,党卫队第5高炮营
Laug, Fritz, 13.12.1942, SS-Oberscharführer, 11./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
弗里茨 劳格,1942年12月13日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Lebkücher, Andreas, 06.01.1944, SS-Hauptscharführer, 1./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
安德里亚斯 勒布库赫尔,1944年1月6日,党卫队一级分队长,第5侦察营
Leisterer, Fritz, 15.12.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
弗里茨 雷施特雷尔,1943年12月15日,党卫队一级分队长“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Lichte, Karl-Heinz, 07.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 5./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
卡尔-海因茨 李希特,1944年12月7日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Lieb, Ludwig, 11.03.1942, SS-Untersturmführer, 1./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
路德维希 列布,1942年3月11日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“西方”摩托化步兵团  
Locker, Alois, 18.12.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
阿洛伊斯 洛克尔,1944年3月11日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Lohmann, Hanns, 11.03.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
汉斯 罗曼,1943年3月11日,党卫队一级分队长“北方”步兵团  
Loibl, Josef, 28.02.1945, SS-Hauptscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
约瑟夫 罗伊波尔,1945年2月28日,党卫队一级分队长,第5装甲工兵营
Lotze, Gerhard, 24.04.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
格尔哈德 洛策,1943年4月24日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Ludwigs, Hubert, 17.12.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
休伯特 路德维希斯,1943年12月17日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Mahn, Gerhard, 04.06.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, 11./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
格尔哈德 曼恩,1944年6月4日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Marquardt, Ferdinand, 06.01.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
斐迪南德 马库尔特,1944年1月6日,党卫队二级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Martin, Josef, 10.10.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 6./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
约瑟夫 马丁,1944年10月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Massell, Paul, 08.02.1945, SS-Obersturmbannführer, SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
保罗 马瑟尔,1945年2月8日,党卫队一级突击大队长“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
May, Fritz, 19.09.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 7./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
弗里茨 梅,1942年9月19日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Meier, Rudolf, 29.03.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 2./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
鲁道夫 梅尔,1943年3月29日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Meinköhn, Hans, 15.04.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 12./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
汉斯 梅恩科恩,1945年4月15日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Mellinghaus, Richard, 14.02.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 7./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
理查德 梅林格豪斯,1943年2月14日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“北方”步兵团
Meyer, Werner, 21.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
维尔纳 梅耶,1943年11月21日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Mittelbacher, Leopold, 08.02.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
里奥波德 米特尔巴赫,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Mozisch, Hans, 06.01.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
汉斯 默齐施,1945年1月6日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Mühlinghaus, August, 30.04.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 11.(finn.)/SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
奥古斯特 穆林格豪斯。1943年4月30日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“北方”步兵团
Müller, Wilhelm, 08.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 5./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
威廉 穆勒,1943年1月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Multhoff, Walter, 17.11.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
瓦尔特 穆尔托夫,1943年11月17日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Murthum, Hermann, 17.11.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 10./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
赫尔曼 穆尔图姆,1943年11月17日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5炮兵团
Neswadba, Josef, 22.03.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10 “Westland”  
约瑟夫 内斯瓦德巴,1945年3月22日,党卫队二级分队长,第10“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Nicolussi-Leck, Karl, 10.03.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
卡尔 尼古鲁斯-雷克,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Niekamp, Heinz, 10.03.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt. 5  
海因茨 涅坎普,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲侦察营
Nimtz, Kurt, 03.08.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
库尔特 尼米兹,1943年8月3日,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Oeck, Herbert, 10.01.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Jäg.Abt. 5  
赫尔伯特 奥伊克,1943年1月10日党卫队一级突击中队长,第5坦克歼击营
Olin, Ola, 28.02.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 7./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
奥拉 奥林,1945年2月28日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Paetsch, Otto, 24.04.1943, SS-Sturmbannführer, SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
奥托 巴施,1943年4月24日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5侦察营
Pförtner, Helmut, 22.11.1941, SS-Untersturmführer, 2./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
赫尔穆特 普冯尔特纳,1941年11月22日党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Pianka, Artur, 09.10.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
Pleiner, Franz, 06.01.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
弗兰茨 普雷纳,1945年1月6日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Polewacz, Harry, 19.12.1941, SS-Sturmbannführer, I./SS-Rgt. “Nordland”  
哈里 保勒瓦什,1941年12月9日,党卫队二级突击大队长,“北方”团
Porsch, Joachim, 14.04.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 10.(finn.)/SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
约阿西姆 鲍尔什,1943年4月4日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“北方”步兵团
Ramelkamp, Herbert, 30.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 2./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
赫尔伯特 拉梅尔坎普,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Richert, Walter, 08.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
瓦尔特 利赫尔特,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Richter, Joachim, 17.11.1943, SS-Obersturmbannführer, SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
约阿西姆 里希特,1943年11月17日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Rosenbusch, Erich, 28.02.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 9./SS-Rgt. “Nordland”  
埃里希 罗森布施,1942年2月28日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“北方”团
Rothofer, Franz, 05.11.1942, SS-Hauptscharführer, 7./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
弗兰茨 罗特费尔,1942年11月5日,第5装甲炮兵团,第5装甲炮兵团
Rutzen, Werner, 30.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, Stabs.Kp./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
维尔纳 鲁岑,1944年12月30日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Scheibe, Siegfried, 14,06.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 11./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
西格弗里德 施贝,1942年6月4日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Schicker, Otto, 07.12.1944, SS-Untersturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
奥托 施科尔,1944年12曰日党卫队三级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Schlupp, Helmut, 15.04.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, III./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 10  
赫尔穆特 施鲁普,1945年4月15日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第10装甲掷弹兵团  
Schmidt, Walter, 09.04.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Westland”  
瓦尔特 施密特,1943年4月9日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Schmits, Heinrich, 10.10.1944, SS-Hauptscharführer, 9./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
海因里希 施密茨,1944年10月10日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Schneider, Wolf, 28.04.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
沃尔夫 施奈德,1944年4月28日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Schönfelder, Manfred, 11.06.1942, SS-Hauptsturmführer, III./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
曼弗雷德 舍恩菲尔德,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Scholven, Paul, 10.03.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 10./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
保罗 绍尔芬,1945年3月10日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Scholz von, Fritz, 22.11.1941, SS-Standartenführer, SS-Rgt. “Nordland”  
弗里茨 冯 舒尔茨,1941年11月22日,党卫队旗队长,“北方”团
Schraps, Fritz, 21.11.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 2./SS-Pi.Btl. 5  
弗里茨 施拉普斯,1943年11月21日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5工兵营
Schreiber, Gustav, 08.01.1943, SS-Unterscharführer, 7./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
古斯塔夫 施雷贝尔,1943年1月8日,党卫队三级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Schreier, Max, 14.03.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 4./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
马克思 施雷尔 1943年3月14日,党卫队一级分队长,“西方”装甲掷弹兵团  
Schulze, Karl-Willi, 30.12.1944, SS-Sturmbannführer, 5. SS-Pz.Div. “Wiking”  
卡尔-威利 舒尔策,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5“维京”装甲师
Schumacher, Kurt, 30.12.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
库尔特 舒马赫,1943年12月30日。党卫队三级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Schust, Richard, 24.04.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 2./SS-Aufkl.Abt. 5  
理查德 舒斯特,1943年4月23日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5侦察营
Schweiß, Willi, 30.12.1943, SS-Unterscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
威利 施维斯,1943年12月30日,党卫队三级分长,第5装甲团
Senghas, Paul, 09.06.1943, SS-Hauptscharführer, 1./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
保罗 申格哈斯,1943年6月9日,党卫队一级分队长,第5装甲团
Siewert, Gerhard, 03.08.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 6./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
格尔哈德 谢威尔特,1943年8月3日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Sigmund, Hans, 08.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 11./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
汉斯 西格蒙德,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Spörle, Richard, 02.04.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Nordland”  
理查德 施波尔勒,1943年4月2日,党卫队二级突击中队长,“北方”装甲掷弹兵团
Steiner, Felix, 22.04.1942, SS-Brigadeführer u. Generalmajor d. W-SS, Kdr. SS-Div. “Wiking”  
Steinert, Fritz, 08.12.1942, SS-Sturmbannführer, II./SS-Schtz.Rgt. “Westland”  
弗里茨 施泰纳尔特,1942年12月8日,党卫队二级突击大队长“西方”摩托化步兵团  
Stender, Wulf, 19.12.1942, SS-Oberscharführer, 11./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
乌尔夫 施滕德,1942年12月19日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Stichnoth, Erich, 10.03.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, Stabs.Kp./SS-Pz.Aufkl.Abt. 5  
埃里希 施蒂赫诺特,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲侦察营直属连
Stoffers, Arnold, 15.12.1941, SS-Hauptsturmführer, II./SS-Rgt. “Nordland”  
阿诺德 施托菲尔斯,1941年12月15日,党卫队一级突击中队长 ,“北方”团
Stürzenbaum, Wilhelm, 08.02.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, I./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
威廉 施图尔岑鲍姆,1945年2月8日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Styr, Josef, 28.02.1945, SS-Oberscharführer, 10./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9 “Germania”  
约瑟夫 施提尔,1945年2月28日,党卫队二级分队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Süchting, Rudolf, 04.06.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 7./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
鲁道夫 舒赫廷,1944年6月4日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Swatosch, Kurt, 09.10.1944, SS-Unterscharführer, 6./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
库尔特 施瓦托施,1944年10月9月,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲团
Theismann, Günter, 09.10.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 7./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. 9  
京特 忒斯曼,1944年10月9日,党卫队二级分队长,第9装甲掷弹兵团
Thon, Dr. Hans, 30.12.1944, SS-Sturmbannführer, SS-San.Abt. 5  
汉斯 通医生,1944年12月30日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5医疗营
Velde, Johann, 21.11.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 3./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
约翰 维尔德,1943年11月21日党卫队二级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Wagner, Jürgen, 08.12.1942, SS-Standartenführer, SS-Inf.Rgt. “Germania”  
尤尔根 瓦格纳,1942年12月8日,党卫队旗队长,“日尔曼尼亚”步兵团
Wagner, Willi, 29.03.1943, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 2./SS-Inf.Rgt. “Nordland”  
威利 瓦格纳,1943年3月29日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“北方”步兵团
Walther, Kurt, 15.12.1941, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 7./SS-Rgt. “Germania”  
库尔特 瓦尔特,1941年12月5日,党卫队一级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”团
Wannhöfer, Günter, 11.03.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 1./SS-Pi.Btl. 5  
京特 万霍菲尔,1943年3月11日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5侦察营
Weber, Werner, 06.01.1945, SS-Unterscharführer, 5./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
维尔纳 韦伯,1945年3月11日,党卫队三级分队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Weck, Julius, 04.06.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, SS-Pz.Pi.Btl. 5  
尤利乌斯 维克,1944年6月4日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲侦察营
Weerts, Hans, 08.02.1945, SS-Obersturmführer, 4./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
汉斯 维尔茨,1945年2月8日,党卫队二级突击中长,第5装甲团
Weißschuh, Gottlieb, 09.06.1943, SS-Oberscharführer, 2./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
格特列伯 韦斯舒,1943年6月9日,党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Westphal, Werner, 30.12.1944, SS-Hauptsturmführer, 5. SS-Pz.Div. “Wiking”  
维尔纳 韦斯特法尔,1944年12月30日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5 “维京”装甲师
Wittich, Oskar, 01.06.1944, SS-Sturmbannführer, IV./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
奥斯卡 维特里希,1944年6月1日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Wolf, Fritz, 18.12.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, Stab/SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
弗里茨 沃尔夫,1944年12月18日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团
Wolf, Johann, 18.12.1944, SS-Oberscharführer, 7./SS-Pz.Rgt. 5  
约翰 沃尔夫 1944年12月18日党卫队二级分队长,第5装甲团
Wolf, Ludwig, 01.06.1944, SS-Obersturmführer, 8./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
路德维希 沃尔夫,1944年6月1日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Wolters, Hermann, 17.11.1943, SS-Untersturmführer, 1./SS-Pz.Gren.Rgt. “Germania”  
赫尔曼 沃尔特斯,1943年11月17日,党卫队三级突击中队长,“日尔曼尼亚”装甲掷弹兵团
Zähn, Friedrich, 21.11.1943, SS-Obersturmführer, 9./SS-Art.Rgt. 5  
弗里德里希 察恩,1943年11月21日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团
Holders of the German Cross in Silver (3)【银质德意志十字勋章获得者】共180名  
Muster, Dr. Siegfried, 10.02.1945, SS-Sturmbannführer, Abt.Arzt IV./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
西格弗里德 穆斯特医生,1945年2月10日,党卫队二级突击大队长,第5装甲炮兵团第4炮兵营军医
Schopper, Dr. Hubert, 10.02.1945, SS-Hauptsturmführer, Truppenarzt I./SS-Pz.Art.Rgt. 5  
休伯特 舍普尔医生,1945年2月10日,党卫队一级突击中队长,第5装甲炮兵团第1军医
Weise, Erich, 10.03.1945, SS-Obersturmführer dR, TFK I im SS-Pz.Rgt. 5
埃里希 维斯,1945年3月10日,党卫队二级突击中队长,第5装甲团


Order of battle (Dec 1940)战斗序列(1940年12月)  
SS-Regiment Germania  
SS-Regiment Nordland  
SS-Regiment Westland  
SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5  
SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5  
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5  
SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5  
1. und 2. Sanitärs-Kompanie  
1-3 Werkstatt-Kompanie  
Order of battle (26 May 1941)战斗编制(1941年5月26日)  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Germania  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Nordland  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Westland  
SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5  
SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5  
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5  
SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5  
Orders of Battle SS Panzergrenadier Division Wiking, February 19431943年2月党卫军维京装甲掷弹兵师战斗序列  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Germania  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Nordland (Withdrawn late 1943)  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Westland  
Finnisches Freiwilligen-Battalion der Waffen-SS (Withdrawn 1943)  
SS-Panzer-Abteilung "Wiking"  
Artillerie-Regiment 5  
5.SS-Panzer-Division Wiking, April 19441944年4月,党卫军第5维京装甲师  
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 9 Germania  
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 10 Westland  
SS-Panzer Regiment 5  
SS-Panzer Artillerie Regiment 5  
Estnisches SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Battalion Narwa (Withdrawn 1944)  
SS-Sturmbrigade Wallonien (Withdrawn 1944)  
SS-Panzerjager-Abteilung 5  
SS-Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 5  
SS-Sturmgeschutz-Batterie 5  
SS-Flak-Abteilung 5  
SS-Werfer-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Aufklarungs-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Pionier-Battalion 5  
SS-Dina 5  
SS-Instandsetzungs-Abteilung 5  
SS-Wirtschafts-Battalion 5  
SS-Sanitats-Abteilung 5  
SS-Feldlazarett 5  
SS-Kriegsberichter-Zug 5  
SS-Feldgendarmerie-Trupp 5  
SS-Feldersatz-Battalion 5  
SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner (1 Dec 1940 - 1 May 1943)  
SS-Obergruppenführer Herbert Otto Gille (1 May 1943 - 6 Aug 1944)  
SS-Oberführer Eduard Deisenhofer (6 Aug 1944 - ? Aug 1944)  
SS-Standartenführer Johannes Mühlenkamp (? Aug 1944 - 9 Oct 1944)  
SS-Oberführer Karl Ullrich (9 Oct 1944 - 5 May 1945)  
Chief of Staff 参谋长
SS-Sturmbannführer Günther Ecke (? Mar 1941 - 7 Sep 1941)  
SS-Haupsturmführer Erwin H. Reichel (? Sep 1941 - ? 1942)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Manfred Schönfelder (? 1942 - 1 July 1944)
SS-Sturmbannführer Richard Pauly (1 Aug 1944 - ? Aug 1944)
Major Kleine (? Aug 1944 - ?)  
Major Braun (? 1945 - ? 1945)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Willi Klose (? 1945 - ? 1945)  
Quartermaster 军需官   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Erwin H. Reichel   (? Mar 1941 - ? Sep 1941)   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Sporn   (? 1941 - ? 1941)   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Kille   (? 1941 - ? 1941)  
SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Büthe   (? 1941 - ? 1942)   
党卫军一级突击中队长威廉.布特(1941年?--1942年? )
SS-Sturmbannführer Manfred Schönfelder   (? 1942 - ? 1942)
SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Büthe   (? 1942 - ? 1943)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Hans Scharff   (? 1943 - ? 1944)   
党卫军二级突击大队长汉斯.沙尔夫(1943年?--1944年? )
SS-Obersturmführer Manfred Schönfelder   (1 July 1944 - ? July 1944)   
SS-Obersturmführer Dr. Heinz Fischer   (1 Aug 1944 - 1 Mar 1945)
SS-Sturmbannführer Franz Meyer   (? Mar 1945 - ? May 1945)   
As early as 1938 Himmler had ruled that non-Germans of suitable "nordic" origin could enlist in the SS that is to say in the Allgemeine-SS (at that stage the distinction between "civilian" Allgemeine-SS and military" Waffen-SS did not exist). Before the outbreak of war in 1939 only a handful of such fanatic nordics had offered themselves. But with the conquest in 1940 of Norway, Denmark, Holland and Flanders, it was possible to recruit directly among the "nordic" peoples and to set up special units to absorb volunteers from these racially approved regions. Within weeks of the occupation of Denmark and Norway, and SS Standarte (Regiment) Nordland was established in which young men from these two countries could train "for police duties" in their respective homelands.  
The SS took over a former French army barracks at Sennheim in Alsace Alsace-Lorraine was reincorporated into Germany after the defeat of France) and there the Norwegians, in common with otber western European volunteers, were put through their initial selection and basic training. Those who passed were then posted on for more advanced instruction elsewhere to Austria in the case of the Norwegians. Recruitment for the Regiment Nordland was intensified in January 1941. On the 13th of that month Quisling appealed over the radio for three thousand volunteers between the ages of 17 and 25 to come forward:  
"To help our Germanic brethern fight English despotism."  
The response was not encouraging. Volunteers could be numbered only in hundreds. The age limit was then raised to 40 years. Among those who did volunteer was Jonas Lie, the chief of the Norwegian Police who, although strongly pro-German, was not a member of NS. Another volunteer was Axel Stang, Minister of Sport and Chief of Staff of the Rikshird.  
In February 1941 the Nordland moved from Vienna and Klagenfurt in Austria to Heuberg in northern Germany where a new division of the Waffen-SS. (the term "Waffen-SS" having come into use some six or seven months previously) was in the process of being formed. This fresh division was based on the Germania Regiment of the "Das Reich" Division to which was now added the Danish-Norwegian Nordland and the Dutch-Flemish Westland Regiments. A complement of artillery was added to bring the unit to full combat strength. It was now numbered the 5th Division of the Waffen-SS. and given the name "Wiking". It did not see active service as a division until the start of the campaign against Russia in June 1941 but, in order to provide some of its "green" personnel with combat experience, a number of individuals were secunded to the "Das Reich" Division which took an active part in the invastion of Yugoslavia in April 1941.  
Jonas Lie and Axel Stang were among those who took part in their brief and successful campaign. Both returned with the Iron Cross 2nd Class.  


Order of battle (Dec 1940)战斗序列(1940年12月)  
SS-Regiment Germania  
SS-Regiment Nordland  
SS-Regiment Westland  
SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5  
SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5  
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5  
SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5  
1. und 2. Sanitärs-Kompanie  
1-3 Werkstatt-Kompanie  
Order of battle (26 May 1941)战斗编制(1941年5月26日)  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Germania  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Nordland  
SS-Infanterie-Regiment Westland  
SS-Artillerie-Regiment 5  
SS-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Pionier-Bataillon 5  
SS-Panzerjäger-Abteilung 5  
SS-Aufklärungs-Abteilung 5  
Orders of Battle SS Panzergrenadier Division Wiking, February 19431943年2月党卫军维京装甲掷弹兵师战斗序列  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Germania  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Nordland (Withdrawn late 1943)  
SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment Westland  
Finnisches Freiwilligen-Battalion der Waffen-SS (Withdrawn 1943)  
SS-Panzer-Abteilung "Wiking"  
Artillerie-Regiment 5  
5.SS-Panzer-Division Wiking, April 19441944年4月,党卫军第5维京装甲师  
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 9 Germania  
SS-Panzergrenadier Regiment 10 Westland  
SS-Panzer Regiment 5  
SS-Panzer Artillerie Regiment 5  
Estnisches SS-Freiwilligen-Panzer-Grenadier-Battalion Narwa (Withdrawn 1944)  
SS-Sturmbrigade Wallonien (Withdrawn 1944)  
SS-Panzerjager-Abteilung 5  
SS-Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 5  
SS-Sturmgeschutz-Batterie 5  
SS-Flak-Abteilung 5  
SS-Werfer-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Nachrichten-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Aufklarungs-Abteilung 5  
SS-Panzer-Pionier-Battalion 5  
SS-Dina 5  
SS-Instandsetzungs-Abteilung 5  
SS-Wirtschafts-Battalion 5  
SS-Sanitats-Abteilung 5  
SS-Feldlazarett 5  
SS-Kriegsberichter-Zug 5  
SS-Feldgendarmerie-Trupp 5  
SS-Feldersatz-Battalion 5  
SS-Obergruppenführer Felix Steiner (1 Dec 1940 - 1 May 1943)  
SS-Obergruppenführer Herbert Otto Gille (1 May 1943 - 6 Aug 1944)  
SS-Oberführer Eduard Deisenhofer (6 Aug 1944 - ? Aug 1944)  
SS-Standartenführer Johannes Mühlenkamp (? Aug 1944 - 9 Oct 1944)  
SS-Oberführer Karl Ullrich (9 Oct 1944 - 5 May 1945)  
Chief of Staff 参谋长
SS-Sturmbannführer Günther Ecke (? Mar 1941 - 7 Sep 1941)  
SS-Haupsturmführer Erwin H. Reichel (? Sep 1941 - ? 1942)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Manfred Schönfelder (? 1942 - 1 July 1944)
SS-Sturmbannführer Richard Pauly (1 Aug 1944 - ? Aug 1944)
Major Kleine (? Aug 1944 - ?)  
Major Braun (? 1945 - ? 1945)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Willi Klose (? 1945 - ? 1945)  
Quartermaster 军需官   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Erwin H. Reichel   (? Mar 1941 - ? Sep 1941)   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Hans Sporn   (? 1941 - ? 1941)   
SS-Hauptsturmführer Kille   (? 1941 - ? 1941)  
SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Büthe   (? 1941 - ? 1942)   
党卫军一级突击中队长威廉.布特(1941年?--1942年? )
SS-Sturmbannführer Manfred Schönfelder   (? 1942 - ? 1942)
SS-Hauptsturmführer Wilhelm Büthe   (? 1942 - ? 1943)  
SS-Sturmbannführer Hans Scharff   (? 1943 - ? 1944)   
党卫军二级突击大队长汉斯.沙尔夫(1943年?--1944年? )
SS-Obersturmführer Manfred Schönfelder   (1 July 1944 - ? July 1944)   
SS-Obersturmführer Dr. Heinz Fischer   (1 Aug 1944 - 1 Mar 1945)
SS-Sturmbannführer Franz Meyer   (? Mar 1945 - ? May 1945)   
As early as 1938 Himmler had ruled that non-Germans of suitable "nordic" origin could enlist in the SS that is to say in the Allgemeine-SS (at that stage the distinction between "civilian" Allgemeine-SS and military" Waffen-SS did not exist). Before the outbreak of war in 1939 only a handful of such fanatic nordics had offered themselves. But with the conquest in 1940 of Norway, Denmark, Holland and Flanders, it was possible to recruit directly among the "nordic" peoples and to set up special units to absorb volunteers from these racially approved regions. Within weeks of the occupation of Denmark and Norway, and SS Standarte (Regiment) Nordland was established in which young men from these two countries could train "for police duties" in their respective homelands.  
The SS took over a former French army barracks at Sennheim in Alsace Alsace-Lorraine was reincorporated into Germany after the defeat of France) and there the Norwegians, in common with otber western European volunteers, were put through their initial selection and basic training. Those who passed were then posted on for more advanced instruction elsewhere to Austria in the case of the Norwegians. Recruitment for the Regiment Nordland was intensified in January 1941. On the 13th of that month Quisling appealed over the radio for three thousand volunteers between the ages of 17 and 25 to come forward:  
"To help our Germanic brethern fight English despotism."  
The response was not encouraging. Volunteers could be numbered only in hundreds. The age limit was then raised to 40 years. Among those who did volunteer was Jonas Lie, the chief of the Norwegian Police who, although strongly pro-German, was not a member of NS. Another volunteer was Axel Stang, Minister of Sport and Chief of Staff of the Rikshird.  
In February 1941 the Nordland moved from Vienna and Klagenfurt in Austria to Heuberg in northern Germany where a new division of the Waffen-SS. (the term "Waffen-SS" having come into use some six or seven months previously) was in the process of being formed. This fresh division was based on the Germania Regiment of the "Das Reich" Division to which was now added the Danish-Norwegian Nordland and the Dutch-Flemish Westland Regiments. A complement of artillery was added to bring the unit to full combat strength. It was now numbered the 5th Division of the Waffen-SS. and given the name "Wiking". It did not see active service as a division until the start of the campaign against Russia in June 1941 but, in order to provide some of its "green" personnel with combat experience, a number of individuals were secunded to the "Das Reich" Division which took an active part in the invastion of Yugoslavia in April 1941.  
Jonas Lie and Axel Stang were among those who took part in their brief and successful campaign. Both returned with the Iron Cross 2nd Class.  

